


                       Steven W. Vagts, Editor

                             211 Sean Way

                    Hendersonville, NC  28792

                             (828) 685-8924

                Email:  z100lifeline@swvagts.com




"Z-100 LifeLine" Articles
I have been Editor and Publisher of the "Z-100 LifeLine" since 1994. It is amazing the number of articles that have been published since then (not all mine), and how many are still relevant today. This page provides access to many of the updated articles, broken into several categories. No longer constrained by issue size and black & white graphics, I have added additional graphics and color pictures to the articles to improve readability and clarify points. Some have doubled in size! I will continue to go back and update many more as I find the time.
I have also added the articles to the Index to Z-100 Periodicals, link provided below, as each article has been updated and published here. They are listed as 'WEB', instead of by issue number. I hope you will enjoy the improvements.
Just click on the link provided to read or print an article. If you need help, this should be the first place to look.
Article Categories:
WavesBullet     Clocks & Real Time Clocks
WavesBullet ZCLK2 Article - "New ZCLK 2 Calendar/Clock Package", from Issue #128.
WavesBullet ZCLK2 Clock Documentation  - "ZCLK 2 Calendar/Clock Package Documentation", from Issue #128.
WavesBullet Z100 Clocks Article 1 - "Z-100 Real Time Clocks", ZClock, ZCLK2 and SmartWatch.
WavesBullet Z100 Clocks Article 2 - "Substitute Battery for SmartWatch", by Charles Hett, issue #124.
WavesBullet Z100 Clocks Article 3 - "Z-100 Real Time Clocks" , ZCLK Y2K Patch and SmartWatch Battery Update.
WavesBullet     Gotek Floppy Disk Emulator Articles
WavesBullet Flash Floppy Gotek - "Flash Floppy Gotek and the Z-120" by Darrell Pelan, from Issue #135.
WavesBullet Gotek Firmware Upgrade - "Gotek Floppy Emulator Firmware Upgrade", from Issue #134.
WavesBullet Gotek Hardware Upgrade - "Gotek Floppy Emulator Hardware Upgrade", from Issue #134.
WavesBullet Gotek User Manual - "Gotek Floppy Emulator User Manual", from Issue #133.
WavesBullet     Hardware Articles
WavesBullet Beginner's Guide to the Z-100 - "Beginner's Guide to the Z-100", from Issue #108.
WavesBullet Breakout Switch Primer - "What is a Breakout Switch?" - from the LLSCSI & LLIDE Controllers.
WavesBullet CDR-317 Host Adaptor - "CDR-317 Host Adaptor User Manual", Use SCSI or MFM Hard Drives. 
WavesBullet Configuring the Z-100 - "Configuring the Z-100", Set Video, Jumpers, & DIP Switches, from issue #79.
WavesBullet Floppy Drive Primer - "A Floppy Drive Primer", from Issue #76.
WavesBullet Floppy Drives - "Z-100 Floppy Drives", Description of drives, from Issue #132. 
WavesBullet LLSCSI Controller Manual - "Z-100 LifeLine" SCSI Controller Manual", from Issue #87.
WavesBullet MFM Hard Drive Install - "Z-100 MFM Hard Drives", from Issue #59.
WavesBullet MFM Hard Drive Specs - Hard Drive Specifications for the Z-100 "Winchester" PREP Utility, from Issue #59.
WavesBullet Mitsubishi 8" Floppy Drive - "Mitsubishi M2896 8" Floppy Drive", Description of drive, from Issue #77.
WavesBullet SCSI, What Is? - "What is SCSI?", from Issue #39.
WavesBullet Seagate ST251 Stiction - "The Seagate ST251 Hard Drive Stiction Revisited", from issue #139.
WavesBullet Serial Mouse Z100 - "Connecting a Serial Mouse to the Z-100", from Issue #137.
WavesBullet SyQuest SQ312RD Article - "SyQuest SQ-312RD Cartridge MFM Hard Drive Article".
WavesBullet SyQuest SQ312RD Manual - "SyQuest SQ-312RD Cartridge MFM Hard Drive OEM Manual".
WavesBullet SyQuest SQ555 Article - "SyQuest SQ555 44Mb Cartridge MFM Hard Drive Operations Manual".
WavesBullet SyQuest SQ555 TechManual - "SyQuest SQ555 Cartridge MFM Hard Drive OEM Technical Manual".
WavesBullet Teac FD505 Drive - "Teac FD505 Dual Density Drive" use in the Z-100, from Issue #76.
WavesBullet Video Paging Demo - "Video Paging Demo, ZBASIC FLIPDEMO.BAS", from Issue #90.
WavesBullet XEBEC S1410A OEM Manual - "XEBEC S1410A SCSI to MFM Hard Drive Controller Adapter.
WavesBullet Z-100 Disassembly - "Z-100 Disassembly".
WavesBullet Z-100 Joystick - "Joystick on the Z-100", from Issue #55.
WavesBullet Z-100 Power Supply - "Z-100 Power Supply" Repair, from issue #41.
WavesBullet Z-100 Speed Up Options - "Z-100 Speed UP Options", from issue #78.
WavesBullet Z-100 Zenith Monitors - "Monitors for the Z-100", from Issue #68.
WavesBullet Z-204 Multiport I/O Card Manual - "Z-204 Multiport Input/Output Card Manual".
WavesBullet Z-205 RAM Card User's Manual - "Z-100 RAM Card User's Manual.
WavesBullet Z-205 RAM Disk - "Z-100 RAM Disk", 256Kb size, from issue #86.
WavesBullet Zenith Monitor Servicing - "Servicing Zenith ZVM-13x Series Monitors", from Issues #120/121.
WavesBullet     IDE Controller Articles
WavesBullet First Operational IDE Controller - "First Operational IDE Controller in a Z-100", from issue #109.
WavesBullet IDE Controller Article - "Z-100 LifeLine" IDE Controller Article.
WavesBullet IDE FDISK Article - "Preparing an IDE Device Using a PC's FDISK", from issue #97.
WavesBullet IDE NVsRAM Reprogramming - "Z-100 LifeLine" IDE Reprogramming Article.
WavesBullet     Index to "Z-100 LifeLine" and "REMark" and "Sextant" Magazines
WavesBullet Index to Z-100 Periodicals - "Z-100 LifeLine Index of Magazine & Periodical Articles".
WavesBullet      Modification Articles
WavesBullet Breakout Switch Primer - "What is a Breakout Switch?" - from the LLSCSI & LLIDE Controllers.
WavesBullet Configuring the Z-100 - "Configuring the Z-100", Set Video, Jumpers, & DIP Switches, from issue #79.
WavesBullet Disassembly of the Z-100 - "Z-100 Disassembly".
WavesBullet First Operational IDE Controller - "First Operational IDE Controller in a Z-100", from issue #109.
WavesBullet IDE FDISK Article - "Preparing an IDE Device Using a PC's FDISK", from issue #97.
WavesBullet LLSCSI Controller Manual - "Z-100 LifeLine" SCSI Controller Manual", from Issue #87.
WavesBullet SCSI, What Is? - "What is SCSI?", from Issue #39.
WavesBullet ZDOS and ZROM Development - "Z-DOS v4 and ZROM v4 Development", from issue #59.
WavesBullet Z-100 Disassembly - "Z-100 Disassembly".
WavesBullet Z-100 Speed Up Options - "Z-100 Speed UP Options", from issue #78.
WavesBullet Z-204 MultiPort I/O Card Manual - "Z-204 MultiPort Input/Output Card Manual".
WavesBullet Z-205 RAM Disk - "Z-100 RAM Disk", 256Kb size, from issue #86.
WavesBullet Z-207 Controller Testing - "Z-207 Controller Chip Testing.
WavesBullet Z-207 Modification - "Z-207 Floppy Controller Mods", from Issue #76.
WavesBullet      PC Emulation Articles
WavesBullet Gemini PC Emulator - "Gemini PC Emulation Board" User Manual.
WavesBullet Scottie Board PC Emulator - "Scottie Board PC Emulator for the Z-100", from issues #74/75.
WavesBullet ZPC PC Emulation - "ZPC v4.0 Z-100 PC Emulator" User Manual, from issues #106/107.
WavesBullet     Repair Articles. Also, check out the section entitled "Inexpensive Test Equipment" in the Main Menu.
WavesBullet Field Service Bulletins - "Z-100 Field Service Bulletins", from issue #42.
WavesBullet Keyboard Key Repair - "Keyboard Key Repair", from issue #33. 
WavesBullet Digital Oscilloscope Sampling Rate - Supplement to the DSO138 and DSO150 Digital Oscilloscope Kits.
WavesBullet Z-100 Disassembly - "Z-100 Disassembly".
WavesBullet Z-100 Power Supply - "Z-100 Power Supply" Repair, from issue #41.
WavesBullet Z-120 Brightness Repair - "Z-120 'All-in-one' Brightness Adjustment", from issue #68.
WavesBullet Z-207 Controller Repair - "H/Z-207 Floppy Disk Controller Troubleshooting", from Issue #98.
WavesBullet     Software Articles
WavesBullet ASCII Chart - "Dec-Oct-Hex-Bin Conversion and ASCII/Graphics Chart", from issue #104.
WavesBullet CP/M-85 Primer - "CP/M-85 Primer", from Issues #44 & 45.
WavesBullet CP/M-Plus - "CP/M Plus" (Digital Research CP/M V3), Z-100 Edition, by Barry Watzman, Issue #96.
WavesBullet ESCape Sequences Chart - "Heath/Zenith ESCape Sequences".
WavesBullet Library Archive Software - "Z-100 LifeLine Archive Software Library".
WavesBullet Library Software - "Z-100 LifeLine Software Library".
WavesBullet Number Base Conversion Chart - "Dec-Oct-Hex-Bin Conversion and ASCII/Graphics Chart", from issue #104.
WavesBullet ZBASIC Articles:
WavesBullet CAKE.BAS - Cake with Fireworks Graphics to celebrate 100 Issues by Steve Vagts, from issue #131.
WavesBullet FROGMATH.BAS - "ZBASIC FROGMATH.BAS Program" Math Drill Game, issue #46.
WavesBullet RUBIK.BAS - Rubik's Cube Program, from issue #47.
WavesBullet Video Paging Demo - "Video Paging Demo, ZBASIC FLIPDEMO.BAS", from Issue #90.
WavesBullet ZBASIC <-> ASM - "Calling .ASM Routines From ZBASIC", issue #72.
WavesBullet ZDOS and ZROM Development - "Z-DOS v4 and ZROM v4 Development", from issue #59. 
WavesBullet ZDOS v3 Hard Drive Utility Articles:
WavesBullet DETECT v3 Utility - Utility that Locates and Isolates New Bad Sectors on a Hard Drive.
WavesBullet PART v3 Utility - Utility that Modifies the Partitions of a Hard Drive.
WavesBullet PREP v3 Utility - Utility that Initializes a Hard Drive for use in a Z-100.
WavesBullet SHIP v3 Utility - Utility That Moves a Hard Drive’s Read/Write Heads to a Safe Location.
WavesBullet     Z-DOS V4 Command Articles
WavesBullet CONFIG.SYS - "ZDOS V4.06 CONFIG.SYS Configuration Utility, from issue #59.
WavesBullet CONFIGUR - "ZDOS V4.06 CONFIGUR Utility for configuring I/O devices, from issue #94.
WavesBullet DETECT - "ZDOS V4.06 DETECT Utility for checking Z-217 Hard Drives, from issue #104.
WavesBullet DRIVECFG - "ZDOS V4.06 DRIVECFG Utility for configurating drives, from issue #112.
WavesBullet DSKCOPY4 - "ZDOS V4.06 DSKCOPY4 Utility for copying and imaging disks, from issue #100.
WavesBullet PART - "ZDOS V4.06 PART Utility for partitioning Z-217 Hard Drives, from issue #103.
WavesBullet PREP - "ZDOS V4.06 PREP Utility for low-level formatting Z-217 Hard Drives, from issue #101.
WavesBullet ZDOS HELP - "ZDOS V4.06 HELP Command, from issue #69.
WavesBullet ZFMT207 - "ZDOS V4.06 ZFMT207 Utility for formatting odd Z-207 Floppy Drives, from issue #99.
WavesBullet ZIMAGE - "ZDOS V4.06 ZIMAGE Documentation", Utility for saving Hard Drive Info, from issue #112.
WavesBullet ZVIDEO - "ZDOS V4.06 ZVIDEO Utility for saving Z-100 video configurations, from issue #69.
WavesBullet     Z-100 Video and Monitor Articles
WavesBullet GBS-82xx CGA to VGA Converter - "GBS-82xx CGA to VGA Converter" by Charles Hett, from Issue #126.
WavesBullet GBS-8219 RGB to VGA Converter - "GBS-8219 RGB to VGA Converter" by Charles Hett, from Issue #126
WavesBullet Z-100 Interlaced Video - "Z-100 Interlaced Video", from Issue #139.
WavesBullet Z-100 Zenith Monitors - "Monitors for the Z-100", from Issue #68.
WavesBullet Zenith Monitor Servicing - "Servicing Zenith ZVM-13x Series Monitors", from Issues #120/121. 
WavesBullet     Articles Unrelated to the "Z-100 LifeLine" or the Z-100 Series Computer
WavesBullet RM1025 Chainsaw Repair - Repairing my Remington Chainsaw model RM1025SPS, from Issue #136.
WavesBullet Tektronix 468 Oscilloscope Repair - "Tektronics 468 Digital Scope repair" by Charles Hett, from Issue #136.

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